MISSION: To recruit new businesses and industries and retain and help current businesses and industries grow and expand.​
VISION: Growing the economy by implementing pathways and opportunities for profitable, available, and steady employment—keeping the people of Jackson County happily remaining in our region for generations to come.

Located in the Jackson County Regional Industrial Park, Annville, Kentucky, the Jackson County / McKee Industrial Development Authority can help new or existing businesses, located in Jackson County, with workforce information and training, financial assistance, business planning, site location, and many other resources needed to grow your business in Jackson County, Kentucky.

WORKFORCE TRAINING AND INFORMATION We have a skilled workforce population that possess critical and analytical skills necessary to compete in the global economy.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Available funds to lend to qualified businesses.

BUSINESS PLANNING We assist new and existing businesses located in Jackson County with many resources available to grow business.

SITE LOCATIONS We network with local and regional site selections.
Several business and community leaders serve on the IDA Board to assist with sustaining and creating business growth.
Recently installed waste-water treatment plant, located at the Jackson County Regional Industrial Park, Annville, Kentucky.
Natural Gas on site in the Industrial Park.

Highway 30 is now accessible from Booneville to London, passing through Annville of Jackson County!
From the Jackson County Regional Industrial Park in Annville, KY, you can be in London or Booneville in less than 20 minutes! Just 25 minutes to Interstate-75 in London.
Jackson County is located within the heart of the Daniel Boone National Forest, which provides beautiful scenery. Jackson County consists of friendly and peaceful communities.

Head Office
For any inquiries or questions please contact us.
169 Carpenter Drive
Annville, KY 40402
Tel: (606) 364-8397
Fax: (606) 364-8396
Available Properties
To inquire about available properties, please contact the IDA at (606) 364-8397.
Hours: M-F 9am-5pm
The Jackson County - McKee Industrial Development Authority is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.